It's true what they say; it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. The journey can be tough at times for athletes across all disciplines with the feet putting in a lot of the work. Looking after your most valuable assets is a little easier with Skin Shields training socks.
The research, design and prototype development of Skin Shields was based on Irish dancers; athletes who train 4 to 5 times a week covering the equivalent of 40km in distance. Since then, athletes from many other disciplines are using Skin Shields to protect their feet during training; runner, tri-athletes, footballers, hikers etc.
Skin Shields double layer design incorporates Meryl Skinlife, one of the most advanced mix of intelligent polyamide yarns, and are proven to absorb friction, keep skin dry, reduce skin breakage and prevent blisters.
"I’m a 48 year old age grouper long distance triathlete. Have tried Skin Shields on a long bike cycle (100k+) and also a long slow run today (>16k). I’m very impressed, socks, comfortable, warm and much thinner than my usual go to ‘1000 mile socks’. Absolutely no pinch points on the run which is unusual. Very impressed overall would thoroughly recommend. Paul"
Blisters are an ongoing issue for athletes; dancers, runners, hikers and although they are not considered an 'injury', a dancer can be extremely limited by having blisters or being 'prone' to blisters. Interestingly, it's not 'rubbing' on the surface of the skin that causes blistering, it's something called 'shear' - where the layers of skin move over each other underneath the top layer of skin until eventually a tear occurs that does the damage.
Every dancer has a 'blister story' - the one that was really bad and took time to heal (and you may have taken a photo, because it looked so bad!). What dancers may not realise is the damage done by a significant blister can make them prone to blistering in the same place again - often referred to as a 'hot spot'. To check if your dancer has a 'hot spot', check their feet after class - the area where there was previously a bad blister will be red or aggravated. Remember it can take 6 weeks for the damaged layers of skin to come to the surface and be completely healed - re-blistering is a high risk during this period.
If you are an athlete having difficulty with blisters, check out our Blister Blog for tips here.
NOW AVAILABLE IN USA through Fays Irish Dancing Shoes!
Visit Skin Shields store and buy 3 pairs for 2 using the code PROTECT2019
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